

When selecting the cleaning fluid, the following three factors should be considered

Classify:News Release time:2024-08-06

When selecting the cleaning fluid, the following three factors should be considered.

Cleaning efficiency: Always test when selecting the cleaning solvent of * * *. If ultrasound is introduced during the existing cleaning process, it usually does not need to replace the solvent used;

Simple operation: the liquid used should be non-toxic, easy to operate, long service life;

Cost: The cost of using cheap cleaning solvents is not low. Considering the cleaning efficiency and * * * performance of the solvent, the amount of clean solvent and the high utilization rate of the workpiece. Of course, the selected cleaning solvent achieves the cleaning effect and should be compatible with the material to be cleaned. Water is a common cleaning solution, so the system using a water-based solution is easy to operate, low cost and widely used. However, many solvents are available for certain materials and soils that are not suitable for aqueous solutions.

Another consideration of the high pressure washer is the design of the upper and lower materials of the cleaning member or the tool for placing the cleaning member. When the cleaning unit is located in the ultrasonic cleaning tank, the cleaning unit and the cleaning basket shall not contact the bottom of the tank. The total cross-sectional area of the cleaning part should not exceed 70% of the ultrasonic bath cross-sectional area. Rubber and non-rigid plastics absorb ultrasonic energy, and therefore care should be taken when using these materials. Special attention should also be paid to the insulation and cleaning components. Even if the good ultrasonic cleaning system is much less efficient, the tool basket design is not appropriate, or the workpiece is too heavy. If the mesh is above 50 mesh, any material exhibits the physical properties of the ultrasound and reflects it. When the mesh is greater than 1 / 4 inch. Hgs, shelves and beakers can be used to support the cleaning components.

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